Senior Assistance Services
Tips for Caregivers and Families of People With Dementia

Tips for Caregivers and Families of People With Dementia

Many seniors in Canada lives with Dementia. Caring for a family member with dementia isn’t just the responsibility for one person, but it should be shared among as many persons as possible. No matter what kind of caregiver you are, taking care of another person can be overwhelming at times. These tips and suggestions for daily care tasks may help all types of caregivers and family members handle the demands of demential.

Tips for Everyday Care for People With Dementia

In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, individuals begin to experience changes in thinking, memory, and reasoning that impact their daily life and activities. Eventually, people with these diseases will require more assistance with daily activities like bathing, grooming, and getting dressed. The progression of the disease may require help with intimate, personal activities, which can be upsetting for the person. Consider the following tips both early on and as the illness advances:

  • To promote consistency and stability, aim to follow a daily routine by bathing, getting dressed, and eating meals at the same times each day.
  • Assist the individual in recording to-do lists, appointments, and events in a notebook or calendar to help them stay organized.
  • Develop a daily schedule of enjoyable activities for the person at consistent times each day.

Tips for Everyday Care for People With Dementia

  • To help people who need to take medications regularly, consider implementing a system of reminders.
  • When dressing or bathing, let the person do as much as they can independently.
  • When assisting someone with bathing or getting dressed, gently explain each step you are going to take in a respectful manner.
  • Choose loose, comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off, such as items with elastic waists, Velcro closures, or zippers with large pulls rather than difficult closures like small buttons, shoelaces, or buckles.

Choose loose, comfortable clothing

  • A sturdy shower chair provides support for unsteady individuals and helps prevent falls. These chairs can be purchased at drug stores and medical supply stores.
  • Serve meals at the same location every time and allow the person ample time to eat comfortably.

At Senior Assistance Services, our experienced and trained caregivers and personal support workers are available to provide compassionate care and support you or your family need to care for the loved one with Dementia.

Please contact us for an initial, complimentary Care Assessment.